Vishwabharathi is dedicated to empowering and enriching the lives of thousands of children and adults through the life-enriching benefits of art and culture.
We bring access, inclusion and promising opportunities to people with all types of disabilities on a local, national and global scale.
We offer aspirational hope and help one child, one adult, one program at a time. Thanks to the generosity of our donors and volunteers…
A retiree who is newly blind and always wanted to study art history does so through touch and verbal description
A little girl in a wheelchair who wants to be a dancer gets to participate in an inclusive dance program
An emerging artist with neurological disabilities gets the training and tools to exhibit his artwork in a prestigious exhibition
- A man who is legally blind gets the professional opportunity to conduct advocacy podcasts and outreach to others in the disability community
- A lonely senior in a nursing home is entertained and enriched by an arts program
- A classroom of kids with different type of disabilities get to make beautiful music together and perform at the Disability Pride,Parade and Festival
- A shy transgender teen who has been bullied finds a welcoming community in a theatre troupe for people with disabilities
- Vishwabharathi is dedicated to empowering and enriching the lives of thousands of children and adults through the life-enriching benefits of art and culture.We bring access, inclusion and promising opportunities to people with all types of disabilities on a local, national and global scale.